Email/Bank Detail And Tax Exemption Registration

    select one option
    Folio No.DP/Client ID*

    Certificate No. *

    Shareholder Name *

    Shareholder Name *

    PAN Details *
    Enter PAN No. *

    PAN card attachment *

    Self-Attested KYC Document - PAN
    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size : 1 MB)

    Upload Aadhar Card / Valid Passport / Share Certificate *

    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size : 1 MB)

    Mobile No. *

    Email id *

    Form ISR-1 along with requisite forms and supporting documents *

    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size : 1 MB)

    Bank Details

    Bank account name *

    Account No. *

    IFSC Code *

    Cancel cheque Leaf *

    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size 1 MB)

    Form ISR-1 along with requisite forms and supporting documents *

    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size 1 MB)

    Submission ofForm 15G/15H/F10

    Select Financial Year *

    Select Exemption Form * 15G15H10F

    Duly filled & Signed Form 15G / Form 15H / Form 10F *

    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size 1 MB)

    Click here to download self declaration letter of share holder

    Self Declaration Letter of Share Holder

    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size 1 MB)

    Any Supporting Document

    (Only PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF. Max file size 1 MB)